He is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Engineering.
He worked as a Lecturer.He has taught various lectures.
He worked as a research assistant.
He has developed many content management systems.
He worked as a developer in .Net projects.
He worked on multimodal sentiment analysis and deep learning during his doctoral thesis. He also conducted research on aspect based sentiment analysis and smart tourism.
He worked on text classification problems via Hadoop and Mahout technologies in his master's thesis.
During his undergraduate education, he successfully completed important courses in computer science.
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
Neural Computing and Applications
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın, Maen Jamous
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
Fırat University Journal of Engineering Science
Ilhan Aydin, Mehmet Sevi, Mehmet Umut Salur, Erhan Akin
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Mehmet Umut Salur
4. International Conference on Virtual Reality
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
2021 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU)
Ahmet Aydın, Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
IEEE EUROCON 2021-19th International Conference on Smart Technologies
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
IEEE Access
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın, Mehmet Karaköse
Dicle University Journal of Engineering (DUJE)
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın, Fatma Başkaya
TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
Ilhan Aydın, Mehmet Sevi, Mehmet Umut Salur
2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligenceand Data Processing (IDAP)
Nashwan Adnan Othman, Mehmet Umut Salur,Mehmet Karaköse, Ilhan Aydın
2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligenceand Data Processing (IDAP)
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligenceand Data Processing (IDAP)
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)
Mehmet Umut Salur, Ilhan Aydın
Harran University Journal of Engineering
Mehmet Umut Salur, Sezai Tokat, Ibrahim Berkan Aydilek
2017 International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP)
Ibrahim Berkan Aydilek, Mehmet Akif Nacar, Abdülkadir Gümüşçü, Mehmet Umut Salur
2017 International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP)
Ilhan Aydın, Fatma Başkaya, Mehmet Umut Salur
2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering(UBMK’17)
Dursun Akaslan, Mehmet Umut Salur, Mehmet Akif Nacar
International Engineering,Science and EducationConference (INESEC)
Mehmet Umut Salur, Gürhan Gündüz
International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
Ibrahim Berkan Aydilek, Mehmet Umut Salur, Fatma Didem Öğretmen
International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
Ilhan Aydın, Fatma Başkaya, Mehmet Umut Salur
2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering(UBMK’17)
Dursun Akaslan, Mehmet Umut Salur, Mehmet Emin Tenekeci, Abdulkadir Gümüşçü
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research
Funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Funded by Higher Education Institutions (Harran University)
Spring 2021
Fall 2022
Fall 2021
Fall 2022
Fall 2022